Are you an individual or entrepreneur looking for growth and success? We can help you reach your goals! We are dedicated to providing the support and guidance needed to exponentially grow individuals and business .

  • Looking to start a business? We can help in the process. We are dedicated to providing the support and guidance needed to develop any size business.

  • We will help you develop the perfect collection of products, services, and technology that will keep your customers happy.

  • Ready to make an impact?

    We will help you brand and market your business. With us by your side, you'll increase traffic, sales, and reach wider audiences with the right message - plug into the power of our marketing solutions today!

  • We understand that that technical challenges can be overwhelming at times. We will provide customized sessions that incorporate web development, software engineering, and security best practices.

  • We offer the highest quality education and training for members.

  • Our courses are great for both individuals and small businesses who do not have $1000s for bootcamps, online training programs, etc.

  • We wanted to offer our customers the best possible LMS and user experience. That is why we chose to use Adobe to create our entrepreneurial courses.

  • We wanted to create an unorthodox tech podcast that is for the people by the people. Our podcast looks at sharing best practices, industry standards, lesson learned, and life hacks that you will not learn at school / bootcamps / work.

  • We see technical education as a never ending journey of quests. So we modeled our bootcamp off traditional MMPOGs. Individuals band together to complete tasks within a given IT track. It is truly learning reimagined!

  • Failure is the greatest teacher. Our multimedia blog serves as a one stop source of challenges people in our organization faced — successes and failures.

  • Developme10x partners on various public projects to help individuals build experience, confidence, and reputation. These projects serve as on-the-job training opportunities and couples well with JustAskDavidP IT Coaching program.


611420 — Computer Programming
611430 — Professional & management development training
541511 — Custom Computer Programming Services
541512 — Computer Systems Design Services
611710 — Educational Support Services


86141500 — Educational guidance services
80111800 — Informational technology contracts

NIGP Codes

208-18, 53, 55, 57, 80
918-06, 21, 30, 45, 75, 76